Cardboard Event
For every accumulated purchase of 500 Crystals, you can roll the dice to advance on the game board and earn incredible rewards. This applies to all Crystal purchases made since December 7th, and these will retroactively earn you Event Points.
Unique Gem Voucher x4
Blessed Potion x15
Radiation Lv2 x15
Jade Gem Voucher x5
Forsaken Gem Chest x5
Broken Power Stone x3
Forsaken Gem Voucher x5
Power of Black Dragon x3
Blessed Potion x15
Random Belt Gem Box
Power of Ice
Power of Black Dragon x4
Power of Goddess x3
Power of Dragoon
Power of Darkness
Flash Bomb Lv2 x8
Power of Black Dragon x5
Handguard Gem Chest
Rock Gem Voucher x4
Stone of Shambala
Exploding Sand Bag Lv5 x3
Power of Goddess x4
Crystal Wheel Spin x2
1st Rebirth Chest
Stone of Shambala
Exploding Sand Bag Lv5 x3
Bracelet Gem Box
Power Stone Chest x2
Chiatan's Aura
Handguard Gem Chest
Frozen Fragment
Starust Crystal
Stone of Shambala
Stardust Metal
Random Belt Gem Box x2
Power Stone Chest x3
Frozen Fragment x2
Black Dragon Gem Chest
Celestial Shard of Ice
Handguard Gem Chest
Crystal Wheel Spin x3
Cloak Runestone Fragment
Frozen Fragment x2
Bracelet Gem Box x2
Stardust Metal
Starust Crystal
Cloak Runestone Fragment
Celestial Shard of Ice
Black Dragon Gem Chest
Frozen Fragment x2
FINAL REWARD: Stone of Shambala
Ranking Event
Join our donation ranking event for a chance to earn incredible rewards!
Diamond Necklace, Pirate Lord Title, Lv 80 Goddess Ring, Goddess Set (Helmet, Gloves, Boots and Armor), 2nd Rebirth Chest, Black Dragon Gem of choice x25, Lv80 Weapon of choice, Lv 45 Celestial Fairy of choice, Rock Gem Voucher x50, Jade Gem Voucher x50, Level 75 Weapon Voucher x2, Belt Gem of choice x20, Bracelet Gem of choice x20, Handguard Gem of choice x20, Cloak Runestone of choice x12, Power Stone Chest x15,
Lv70 Golden Bracelet of choice x2.
Gold Necklace, Goddess item of choice Black Dragon Set (Helmet, Gloves, Boots and Armor), 2nd Rebirth Chest, Black Dragon Gem Chest x20, Lv 41 2nd Fairy Ticket, Level 75 Weapon Voucher x2, Rock Gem Voucher x40, Jade Gem Voucher x40, Belt Gem of Choice x15, Bracelet Gem of choice x15, Handguard Gem of choice x15, Cloak Runestone of choice x8, Power Stone Chest x12, Lv70 Purple Bracelet of choice x2.
Goddess item of choice Black Dragon Set (Helmet, Gloves, Boots and Armor), 2nd Rebirth Chest, Black Dragon Gem Chest x15, Lv36 2nd Fairt Ticket, Level 75 Weapon Voucher x1, Rock Gem Voucher x30, Jade Gem Voucher x30, Belt Gem of Choice x10, Bracelet Gem of choice x10, Handguard Gem of choice x10, Cloak Runestone of choice x5, Power Stone Chest x10, Lv70 Red Bracelet of choice x2.
Black Dragon Set (Helmet, Gloves, Boots and Armor, Black Dragon Gem Chest x10 ,Forsaken Gem Voucher x40, The Unique Gem Voucher lv5 x3,Rock Gem Voucher x20, Jade Gem Voucher x20, Power Stone Chest x5, Belt Gem Chest x8, Bracelet Gem Chest x8,Handguard Gem Chest x8, Cloak Runestone Chest x3, Lv70 Green Bracelet of choice x2.
x3 Black Dragon Set item of choice, Black Dragon Gem Chest x8 ,Forsaken Gem Voucher x30, The Unique Gem Voucher lv5 x2,Rock Gem Voucher x15, Jade Gem Voucher x15, Power Stone Chest x3, Belt Gem Chest x5, Bracelet Gem Chest x5,Handguard Gem Chest x5, Cloak Runestone Chest x1, Lv70 Grey Bracelet of choice x2.
Black Dragon Set item of choice, Black Dragon Gem Chest x5 ,Forsaken Gem Voucher x20, The Unique Gem Voucher lv5 x1,Rock Gem Voucher x10, Jade Gem Voucher x10, Power Stone Chest x2, Belt Gem Chest x3, Bracelet Gem Chest x3, Handguard Gem Chest x3, Cloak Runestone Fragment x5, Lv60 Gold Bracelet Voucher x2.
Black Dragon Gem Chest x3 ,Forsaken Gem Voucher x10, The Unique Gem Voucher lv4,Rock Gem Voucher x6, Jade Gem Voucher x6, Power Stone Chest x1, Belt Gem Chest x1, Bracelet Gem Chest x1, Handguard Gem Chest x1, Cloak Runestone Fragment x2, Lv60 Purple Bracelet Voucher x2.
Black Dragon Gem Chest x2, The Unique Gem Voucher lv3, Rock Gem Voucher x4, Jade Gem Voucher x4, Lv60 Red Bracelet Voucher x2.
Black Dragon Gem Chest x1,The Unique Gem Voucher lv3, Jade Gem Voucher x3, Rock Gem Voucher x3, Lv60 Green Bracelet Voucher x2.
TOP 10
Power of Black Dragon x8,The Unique Gem Voucher lv3, Jade Gem Voucher x3, Rock Gem Voucher x3, Lv60 Grey Bracelet Voucher x2.
Event Bundles
Players can accumulate event points, which can then be utilized to acquire fantastic bundles!
2500 Event Points
Cloak Runestone Fragment x1
Handguard Gem Fragment x2
Bracelet Gem Fragment x2
Belt Gem Fragment x2
Chiatan's Aura Fragment x2
Power of Black Dragon x2
Broken Power of Stone x1
Lv60 Grey Bracelet Voucher x2
Flash Bomb Lv2 x2
Radiation Lv2 x2
Radiation Lv3 x2
Grenade Lv2 x2
Grenade Lv3 x2
Grenade Lv4 x2
Forsaken Gem Voucher x1
Lv 1 Normal Gem Voucher x1
Spring Roll x5
Tiger Bone Tonic x5
5000 Event Points
Cloak Runestone Fragment x2
Handguard Gem Fragment x5
Bracelet Gem Fragment x5
Belt Gem Fragment x5
Chiatan's Aura Fragment x5
Power of Black Dragon x5
Broken Power of Stone x2
Demonic Lord Title Lv1
Lv60 Green Bracelet Voucher x2
Flash Bomb Lv2 x4
Radiation Lv2 x4
Radiation Lv3 x4
Grenade Lv2 x4
Grenade Lv3 x4
Grenade Lv4 x4
Stardust Crystal x1
Stardust Metal x1
Forsaken Gem Voucher x3
Lv 1 Normal Gem Voucher x3
Spring Roll x10
Tiger Bone Tonic x10
Jade Gem Voucher x1
Rock Gem Voucher x1
10000 Event Points
Cloak Runestone Fragment x5
Handguard Gem Chest x1
Bracelet Gem Chest x1
Belt Gem Chest x1
Chiatan's Aura Fragment x10
Black Dragon Gem Chest x1
Power Stone Chest x1
Demonic Lord Title Lv1
Lv10 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv60 Red Bracelet Voucher x2
Flash Bomb Lv2 x9
Radiation Lv2 x9
Radiation Lv3 x9
Grenade Lv2 x9
Grenade Lv3 x9
Grenade Lv4 x9
Stardust Crystal x3
Stardust Metal x3
Forsaken Gem Voucher x6
Lv 1 Normal Gem Voucher x6
Spring Roll x20
Tiger Bone Tonic x20
Frozen Fragment x1
Jade Gem Voucher x3
Rock Gem Voucher x3
20000 Event Points
Cloak Runestone Voucher x1
Handguard Gem Chest x2
Bracelet Gem Chest x2
Belt Gem Chest x2
Stone of Shambala x1
Chiatan's Aura x1
Black Dragon Gem Chest x3
Power Stone Chest x3
Power of Ice x1
Demonic Lord Title Lv2
1st Rebirth Package
Lv10 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv20 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv70 Weapon Voucher x1
Lv60 Purple Bracelet Voucher x2
Flash Bomb Lv2 x19
Radiation Lv2 x19
Radiation Lv3 x19
Radiation Lv4 x9
Grenade Lv2 x19
Grenade Lv3 x19
Grenade Lv4 x19
Stardust Crystal x6
Stardust Metal x6
Forsaken Gem Voucher x12
Lv 1 Normal Gem Voucher x12
Spring Roll x40
Tiger Bone Tonic x40
Frozen Fragment x3
Jade Gem Voucher x7
Rock Gem Voucher x7
40000 Event Points
Cloak Runestone Voucher x2
Handguard Gem Chest x5
Bracelet Gem Chest x5
Belt Gem Chest x5
Stone of Shambala x2
Chiatan's Aura x2
Black Dragon Gem Chest x7
Power Stone Chest x6
Power of Ice x2
Power of Dragoon x1
Demonic Lord Title Lv2
1st Rebirth Package
Lv20 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv30 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv70 Weapon Voucher x2
Lv60 Gold Bracelet Voucher x2
Flash Bomb Lv2 x49
Radiation Lv2 x49
Radiation Lv3 x49
Radiation Lv4 x49
Grenade Lv2 x49
Grenade Lv3 x49
Grenade Lv4 x49
Stardust Crystal x12
Stardust Metal x12
Celestial Shard of Ice x1
Forsaken Gem Voucher x25
Lv 1 Normal Gem Voucher x25
Spring Roll x80
Tiger Bone Tonic x80
Frozen Fragment x6
Jade Gem Voucher x15
Rock Gem Voucher x15
80000 Event Points
Cloak Runestone Voucher x4
Handguard Gem Chest x10
Bracelet Gem Chest x10
Belt Gem Chest x10
Stone of Shambala x5
Chiatan's Aura x4
Black Dragon Gem Chest x14
Power Stone Chest x12
Power of Ice x5
Power of Dragoon x2
Demonic Lord Title Lv2
1st Rebirth Package
Lv30 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv36 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv75 Weapon Voucher x1
Lv70 Grey Bracelet Voucher x2
Flash Bomb Lv2 x99
Radiation Lv2 x99
Radiation Lv3 x99
Radiation Lv4 x99
Grenade Lv2 x99
Grenade Lv3 x99
Grenade Lv4 x99
Stardust Crystal x25
Stardust Metal x25
Celestial Shard of Ice x2
Forsaken Gem Voucher x50
Lv 1 Normal Gem Voucher x50
Spring Roll x160
Tiger Bone Tonic x160
Frozen Fragment x12
Jade Gem Voucher x30
Rock Gem Voucher x30
120000 Event Points
Cloak Runestone Voucher x8
Handguard Gem Chest x20
Bracelet Gem Chest x20
Belt Gem Chest x20
Stone of Shambala x10
Chiatan's Aura x8
Black Dragon Gem Chest x24
Power Stone Chest x20
Power of Ice x10
Power of Dragoon x5
Demonic Lord Title Lv2
1st Rebirth Package
2nd Rebirth Stone Box
Lv36 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv41 2nd Fairy Ticket
Lv75 Weapon Voucher x2
Lv70 Green Bracelet Voucher x2
Flash Bomb Lv2 x199
Radiation Lv2 x199
Radiation Lv3 x199
Radiation Lv4 x199
Grenade Lv2 x199
Grenade Lv3 x199
Grenade Lv4 x199
Stardust Crystal x45
Stardust Metal x45
Celestial Shard of Ice x4
Forsaken Gem Voucher x80
Lv 1 Normal Gem Voucher x80
Spring Roll x299
Tiger Bone Tonic x299
Frozen Fragment x20
Jade Gem Voucher x50
Rock Gem Voucher x50
Patch Notes
Level Cap Increase:
Maximum level cap has been raised to 95.
Experience rate from level 85 to 89 has been increased.
Battle Pass Update:
A new season of the Battle Pass has started.
Daily rewards for the Battle Pass have been greatly upgraded.
New Xmas Map:
The Xmas map has been added, allowing players to farm for amazing rewards.
Includes Xmas Map Quest and exclusive rewards.
Xmas Map Quest and Rewards
Gold Wheel Enhancement:
"Fast spin" option has been added to the Gold Wheel.
Eclipse Ring Conversion:
Players can now use the Eclipse Plier (available in Item Mall) to convert Lv70 Eclipse rings into vouchers.
Vouchers can be exchanged for a ring of your choice by talking to Ring Upgrader - Ary.
Item and Rank Updates:
Fixed stats for the Frozen Blade of Enigma XV.
Frozen King of Celestial has been added to the Ice Chaos Ranking.
Skill Updates:
New Lv95 skills have been added. Level 95 skills
Increased the duration of the Spiritual Barrier skill to 2 minutes.
Cooldown of Possession has been reduced to 10 seconds.
The Blessed Potion effect has been enhanced to improve its visibility, making it easier for players to notice and track its activation.
Revival Mechanic Changes:
Revival Skill Box will now disappear after 1 minute if the revive option is not clicked.
After this time, the player will remain dead but can be revived again.
New Rings:
Lv80 Goddess Rings have been added to the game.
Goddess Rings
Minigame Adjustments:
In MvM, final teams will now always have the same number of players.
Snow War and Chaos Argent Rewards:
Snow War: The best player of each class will now receive a 5k Reputation Scroll and x1 Gyoza upon map completion.
Chaos Argent: Class rewards updated to include a 5k Reputation Scroll and 1m gold.
Conversion Fixes:
Resolved an issue when converting Heart of Black Dragon into Spirit of Black Dragon.
Item Mall Addition:
Lv3 Title Quest Starter Ticket added to the Item Mall. Players can double-click this item to start the Lv3 Title Quest.
Guild Logs Update:
Added character IDs to the guild logs for better tracking.
Dream Chest Changes:
Now, 50% of Dream Chests can only be killed by magic classes.
Item Stacking:
Gyoza can now be stacked up to x999.
Carrion Balls Update:
Carrion Ball now reduces the target's stats as follows:
Lv1: -2% defense, -2% PR (reduced)
Lv2: -4% defense, -3% PR (reduced)
Lv3: -7% defense, -4% PR (reduced)
Lv4: -10% defense, -6% PR (reduced)
New gems max level:
Forsaken Gems Lv8
Normal Gems Lv8
Jade Gems Lv7
Eye of Black Dragon Lv6
Heart of Black Dragon Lv6
Soul of Black Dragon Lv3
Belt Gems Lv5
Bracelets Gems Lv5
New gems:
Gem of Fortress: Provides +1 Constitution and can be forged into Bracelets.
Gem of Aegis: Provides +2 Constitution and can be forged into Handguards.
These gems can be acquired from the Bracelet Gem Box and the Handguard Gem Chest, respectively.
Dungeons Update:
The Pharaoh and Castle of Shadows dungeons now offer three levels of difficulty: Easy, Advanced, and Expert. Each option has specific rules for how dungeon runs are counted, but the maximum number of runs per day remains 8, regardless of the combination of difficulties chosen.
Note: Magic classes damage has been adjusted.
Easy Mode
Difficulty: Current monster stats (same as before).
Run Limit: Up to 8 runs per day.
Rewards: Exactly the same as the current system.
Advanced Mode
Run Count: Counts as 2 runs per dungeon.
Pharaoh Dungeon: x3 reward boxes and x5 Pharaoh Gems.
Castle Dungeon: x3 reward boxes and x3 Castle Coins.
Expert Mode
Run Count: Counts as 4 runs per dungeon.
Pharaoh Dungeon: x7 reward boxes and x12 Pharaoh Gems .
Castle Dungeon: x7 reward boxes and x7 Castle Coins .
Dungeon Entry and Options:
The total run count per week is 8 runs, regardless of difficulty combinations.
How Runs are counted:
Easy Mode: Counts as 1 run.
Advanced Mode: Counts as 2 runs.
Expert Mode: Counts as 4 runs.
Examples of Run Combinations
Scenario 1:
Runs: 1 Expert run (4 runs) + 4 Easy runs (4 runs).
Total Runs Used: 8 (maximum reached).
Result: No additional runs allowed.
Scenario 2:
Runs: 1 Expert run (4 runs) + 3 Easy runs (3 runs).
Total Runs Used: 7.
Remaining Runs: Only 1 Easy run allowed (as Advanced and Expert modes require at least 2 or 4 runs).
Scenario 3:
Runs: 2 Advanced runs (2 x 2 = 4 runs) + 4 Easy runs (4 runs).
Total Runs Used: 8 (maximum reached).
Result: No additional runs allowed.
Reward Summary
Chaos Argent Chests update:
Each Chaos Chest bolt deals an additional 25% of the normal damage the character would deal on the monster. These changes apply to the Seal Master and Cleric classes on their Spiritual Bolt skill and to the Voyager class on the Lightning Bolt skill.
Novice Chaos Chest
0–100 Spirit: 20% damage per bolt
101–140 Spirit: 25% damage per bolt
141–180 Spirit: 30% damage per bolt
181–210 Spirit: 35% damage per bolt
211–250 Spirit: 40% damage per bolt
251–270 Spirit: 45% damage per bolt
271–300 Spirit: 50% damage per bolt
300–340 Spirit: 55% damage per bolt
341–370 Spirit: 60% damage per bolt
371–400 Spirit: 65% damage per bolt
401–420 Spirit: 70% damage per bolt
421–440 Spirit: 80% damage per bolt
441–460 Spirit: 85% damage per bolt
461–480 Spirit: 90% damage per bolt
481–500 Spirit: 95% damage per bolt
500+ Spirit: 100% damage per bolt
Standard Chaos Chest
0–100 Spirit: 15% damage per bolt
101–140 Spirit: 20% damage per bolt
141–180 Spirit: 25% damage per bolt
181–210 Spirit: 30% damage per bolt
211–250 Spirit: 35% damage per bolt
251–270 Spirit: 40% damage per bolt
271–300 Spirit: 45% damage per bolt
300–340 Spirit: 50% damage per bolt
341–370 Spirit: 55% damage per bolt
371–400 Spirit: 60% damage per bolt
401–420 Spirit: 65% damage per bolt
421–440 Spirit: 70% damage per bolt
441–460 Spirit: 75% damage per bolt
461–480 Spirit: 80% damage per bolt
481–500 Spirit: 85% damage per bolt
500+ Spirit: 90% damage per bolt
Expert & Darkness Chaos Chests
0–100 Spirit: 5% damage per bolt
101–140 Spirit: 9% damage per bolt
141–180 Spirit: 12% damage per bolt
181–210 Spirit: 15% damage per bolt
211–250 Spirit: 18% damage per bolt
251–270 Spirit: 21% damage per bolt
271–300 Spirit: 24% damage per bolt
300–340 Spirit: 27% damage per bolt
341–370 Spirit: 30% damage per bolt
371–400 Spirit: 33% damage per bolt
401–420 Spirit: 36% damage per bolt
421–440 Spirit: 39% damage per bolt
441–460 Spirit: 42% damage per bolt
461–480 Spirit: 45% damage per bolt
481–500 Spirit: 48% damage per bolt
500+ Spirit: 51% damage per bolt
Changes in reward boxes:
Pharoah's Tresaure Chest:
500 Reputation Voucher 8%
500 Reputation Voucher 10%
Darkness Metal 2%
Pharaoh Equipment Blueprint Box 8%
Pharaoh's Gem from 10% to 14%
Golden Pirate Scroll x2 from 10% to 15%
Golden Pirate Scroll x3 from 5% to 9%
Golden Pirate Scroll x4 from 2% to 6%
1000 Reputation Voucher from 5% to 8%
Seal Blueprint from 4% to 8%
Invocation Blueprint from 2% to 4%
Refining Gem from 2% to 4%
Castle of Shadows Chest:
Green Rock 3%
Demonic Rock x4 2%
Elven Attack Potion 3%
Elven Body Armor 3%
Green Crown Fragment 1%
Elven Royal Signet 3%
Mask of Mummy King 2%
Sigil of Anubis 2%
Timeless Machine 2%
1000 Reputation Voucher from 5%
Golden Pirate Scroll x3 from 5% to 8%
Golden Pirate Scroll x4 from 5% to 8%
Seal Blueprint x2 from 5% to 8%
Invocation Blueprint from 2% to 5%
Refining Gem from 2% to 5%
2000 Reputation Voucher from 5% to 7%
Black Dragon Ticket 5%
Serpentine Metal 1%
Golden Metal 1%
Jade Gem Fragment 2%
Dark Castle Blueprint:
Mask of Mummy King Blueprint 5%
Sigil of Anubis Blueprint 5%
Timeless Machine Blueprint 5%
The Universe Purse Blueprint 3%
Forsaken Chest Crafting Blueprint from 2% to 5%
Blessed Potion Cooking Blueprint from 3% to 10%
Red Rock Crafting Blueprint from 4% to 6%
Golden Necklace:
Players can now upgrade any Purple Necklace into a Gold Necklace by giving the following items to the Expert Jeweler NPC:
Purple Necklace +x50 Power of Goddess + Power of Ice x15 + Power of Darkness x15 + Power of Dragoon x15 + Stone of Shambala x30 + Shadowquartz Crystal x2 + Golden Diamond (Item Mall)
Lv 60 bracelets update:
Gold fee to create Enigma Bracelet Diamond was reduced from 100m to 50m.
Level 50 Gold to Lv60 Grey
Reduced gold fee from 50m to 10m.
Level 60 Grey to Green:
Reduced gold fee from 100m to 20m.
Level 60 Green to Red:
Reduced gold fee from 150m to 40m.
Level 60 Red to Purple:
Reduced gold fee from 200m to 60m.
Level 60 Purple to Gold:
Reduced gold fee from 250m to 100m.
Guild Coins Update:
Now chests give all the items in the following list instead of giving a random item:
Guild Potion Chest:
Blessed Potion x20
Fried Oyster Soup x30
Prawn Dumpling x20
Guild Gem Chest:
Rock Gem Voucher x3
Jade Gem Voucher x3
Unique Gem Voucher x15
Guild Resource Chest:
Black Dragon Gem Chest x1
Power Stone Chest x3
Changes in Weekly Ranking rewards:
Argent and Dream Ranking
Guild Coin from x3 to x6
Black Dragon Gem Chest from x1 to x2
Rune Gem Voucher x1
Power of Black Dragon x5
Legendary Lords Ranking
Guild Coin from x3 to x6
Black Dragon Gem Chest from x1 to x2
Unique Gem Voucher from x10 to x30
Bracelet Gem Chest from x1 to x2
Celestial Shard of Darkness x4
Power of Black Dragon x5
Ice Chaos Ranking
Guild Coin from x3 to x6
Black Dragon Gem Chest from x1 to x2
Handguard Gem Chest x1
Forsaken Gem Voucher x30
Power of Black Dragon x5
Weekly Chaos King Chest:
x100 Crystal x3
Flash Bomb lv2 (Untradable) x10
Gyoza (Untradable) x15
Radiation lv5 (Untradable) x5
Constitution Recovery Flask (Untradable) x30
Weekly Chaos Queen Chest:
x100 Crystal x2
Flash Bomb lv2 (Untradable) x5
Gyoza (Untradable) x10
Constitution Recovery Flask (Untradable) x20
Weekly Chaos Jack Chest
x100 Crystal x1
Flash Bomb lv2 (Untradable) x2
Gyoza (Untradable) x5
Constitution Recovery Flask (Untradable) x10
Note: Now Chaos Argent top 3 players per class chests give all of the items including in the chest instead of giving a random item
Bosses Update:
Changed PR to 80
Changed HP to 80m
Reduced sealing success chance
Black Dragon:
Increased HP to 60m
Reduced sealing success chance
Burned King Plant:
Increased attack to 6000 - 7000
Baby Great Dragoon:
Increased attack to 5000 - 6000
Wandering Soul:
Increased HP to 10m
Increased attack to 5000 - 6000
Reduced sealing success chance
Empowered Wandering Soul
Increased HP to 14m
Increased attack to 6000 - 7000
Reduced sealing success chance
Snowman Warlord:
Increased HP to 11m
Increased attack to 6500 - 7500
Reduced sealing success chance
Empowered Snowman Warlord:
Increased HP to 15m
Increased attack to 7500 - 8500
Reduced sealing success chance
Power of Black Dragon 20%
Deathsoul Commander:
Increased attack to 5000-6000
Rock Gem Chest 25%
Forsaken Gem Chest from 25% to 50%
Increased attack to 5000-6000
Jade Gem Chest 25%
Forsaken Gem Chest from 25% to 50%
Fox Sage:
Increased attack to 3000-4000
Increased HP to 2.5m
Faerie Shoes
Ginseng Wine 100%
Gyoza 15%
Icy Dragon:
Increased attack to 4000-5000
Increased HP to 2.5m
Frozen Dragon Scale
Forsaken Gem Chest Crafting Scroll 10%
Prawn Dumpling 50%
Pirate Captain 008
Increased attack to 4000-5000
Increased HP to 3.5m
Gaunlets of Olympus
Broken Chaos Fragment
Tigerfish Bone Crisp 50%
Blessed Potion 100%
Lizardman Warrior Commander
Increased attack to 4000-5000
Increased HP to 3.5m
Letter V 45%
Gyoza 45%
Relic Protector:
Increased attack to 3000-4000
Increased HP to 4.5m
Gloves of Stride
Thunder Blade
Letter Y 45%
Spring Roll 50%
Increased attack to 4000-5000
Increased HP to 2.5m
Shield of Medusa
Tigerfish Bone Crisp 50%
Spring Roll 50%
Evil Tribal Chieftian:
Increased attack to 4000-5000
Increased HP to 3.5m
Robe of the Sage
Letter J 40%
Crab Lord
Increased attack to 3000-4000
Increased HP to 2.5m
Sturgeon Soup
Tigerfish Bone Crisp 40%
Spring Roll 40%
Changes in Golden Pirate Scroll:
Fel Runestone 1.5%
Heavenly Gloves 0.3%
Heavenly Shoes 0.3%
Heavenly Vest 0.3%
Ja Runestone 0.5%
Mystery Fruit 1%
Mud 1%
Sandy Rock 2%
Sand Bag Lv1 1%
Special Ointment 0.5%
Straminium Fruit Juice 0.5%
Tef Runestone 1%
Sand Bag Lv2 0.9%
Beatiful Chest 1%
Black Colorant
Explosive Gem from 1% to 2%
Fiery Gem from 1% to 2%
Furious Gem from 1% to 2%
Glowing Gem from 1% to 2%
Lustrious Gem from 1% to 2%
Shining Gem from 1% to 2%
Shadow Gem from 1% to 2%
Spirit Gem from 1% to 2%
Forsaken Gem Chest Crafting Scroll from 0.6% to 2,4%
Flash Bomb Lv1 from 1% to 2%
Rock Gem Fragment from 1% to 2%
Ice Cream from x1 to x10
Magical Potion from x1 to x10
Fire Seed from x1 to x2
Standard 100 Mining EXP Card from x1 to x3
Standard 100 Fishing EXP Card from x1 to x3
Standard 100 Woodcutting EXP Card from x1 to x3
Forsaken Gem Chest 1%
Expert Analyzing Chest Update:
Expert Mining Catalyst Chest:
2000 Reputation Voucher 7%
Purple Pirate Scroll x20 6%
Golden Metal 2%
50 Crafting Experience Card from x20 to x40
Lantern from x4 to x6
Blessed Potion from x1 to x2
Blessed Potion from x2 to x3
Sigil of Anubis from x5 to x15
Invocation Blueprint from x2 to x4
Gyoza from x2 to x3
Rock Gem Fragment from x2 to x4
Seal Blueprint x12 6%
Rainbow Metal 2%
Seal Blueprint x10 7%
Expert Woodcutting Catalyst Chest:
Omnipotent Herb x4 5%
1000 Reputation Voucher 5%
Elven Royal Signet x10 5%
Fire Seed x6 7%
Serpentine Metal 2%
Expert Fruity Mix x20 4%
Golden Pirate Scroll x6 5%
Flash Bomb Lv1 from x20 to x30
Jade Gem Fragment from x1 to x7
50 Manufacturing Experience Card from x20 to x40
Blessed Potion from x1 to x3
Mask of Mummy King from x5 to x15
Expert Fruity Mix from x30 to x60
Golden Pirate Scroll from x8 to x20
Golden Pirate Scroll from x10 to x35
Blessed Potion from x2 to x5
Refining Gem from 2% to 5%
Skating Potion from 7% to 6%
Rainbow Catalyst 3%
Forsaken Gem Chest 4%
Fried Oyster Soup x6 5%
Feline Soul Grass x4 6%
Feline Soul Grass x6 3%
Lustrious Gem Voucher 2%
Mao Wine x4 3%
Gem Jade Chest 2%
Lv2 Refining Gem Voucher 2%
Expert Fishing Catalyst Chest:
Golden Pirate Scroll x6 6%
Fire Seed x6 10%
Scorpion Shell x6 6%
Serpentine Metal 2%
Blessed Fragment x5 7%
Golden Pirate Scroll from x8 to x20
Golden Pirate Scroll from x10 to x35
50 Cooking Experience Card from x20 to x40
Seal Blueprint from x2 to x12
Seal Blueprint from x3 to x15
Fried Oyster Soup from x1 to x6
Blessed Potion from x1 to x2
Vampire Tooth from 2% to 4%
Rainbow Catalyst 3%
Forsaken Gem Chest 4%
Vampire Tooth x5 2%
Shadow Gem Voucher 2%
Invocation Blueprint x4 5%
Invocation Blueprint x5 4%
Locke's Power 1%
5000 Reputation Voucher 6%
Expert Salvaging Catalyst Chest:
Letter B 6%
Serpentine Metal 2%
Golden Metal 3%
Refining Gem 14%
MvM Coin from x5 to x10
Castle of Shadows Coin from x1 to x3
Flash Bomb Lv1 from x30 to x50
Prawn Dumpling from x1 to x2
50 Cooking Experience Card from x15 to x80 and from 30% to 15%
Golden Pirate Scroll from x15 to x40
Timeless Machine from x10 to x20
Invocation Blueprint from x1 to x3
Rainbow Catalyst 3%
Rainbow Metal 3%
Gem Jade Chest 2%
Invocation Blueprint x4 3%
Shadow Gem Voucher 2%
Lustrious Gem Voucher 2%
Lv2 Refining Gem Voucher 5%
Ginseng Wine x5 3%
Rock Gem Fragment x5 2%
Expert Reputation Catalyst Chest:
Blessed Potion 5% from x1 to x2
50 Cooking Experience Card from x20 to x40
50 Manufacturing Experience Card from x20 to x40
50 Crafting Experience Card from x20 to x40
Sigil of Anubis from x10 to x20
Timeless Machine from x10 to x20
Mask of Mummy King from x10 to x20
Forsaken City and Dark Swamp update:
These maps have been reworked to include additional connections between different areas, making navigation more seamless.
Players from Level 30 to 55 can now enter Forsaken City.
New timers:
Forsaken City: 3:00, 15:00
Dark Swamp: 9:00, 23:00
Chaos Desert: 7:00
Chaos Swamp: 20:00
Equipment Convertion:
Players can use x1 Swamp Convertion Stone (Obtainable from Item Mall) to upgrade the following lv 40 and 45 equips to obtain a lv 50 or 55 item by talking to the Swamp Converter NPC at Shaitan fountain.
Note: Lv40 and 45 gloves, boots and hats can transfer their stats to their lv50 or 55 version.
Monsters Update:
Chaos Desert Chest 1
Refining Gem from 0.7% to 3%
Forsaken Gem of Soul from 0.15% to 2%
Forsaken Metal 2%
Chaos Desert Chest 2
Refining Gem from 0.8% to 4%
Blessed Potion from 1% to 3%
Forsaken Gem of Colossus from 0.15% to 2%
Seal Blueprint 10%
Forsaken Metal 4%
Chaos Desert Chest 3
Refining Gem from 2% to 6%
Blessed Potion from 2% to 5%
Letter U from 2.5% to 4%
Letter V from 2.5% to 4%
Forsaken Gem of Rage from 0.15% to 2%
Forsaken Metal 6%
Chaos Swamp Chest Lv1
Refining Gem from 3% to 4%
Blessed Potion from 0.8% to 2%
Swamp Metal 2%
Forsaken Gem Chest 2%
Broken Chaos Fragment
Weightless Potion
Chaos Swamp Chest Lv2
Refining Gem from 3% to 5%
Blessed Potion from 0.9% to 3%
Letter P from 2.5% to 4%
Swamp Metal 4%
Forsaken Gem Chest 2.5%
Broken Chaos Fragment
Weightless Potion
Chaos Swamp Chest Lv3
Forsaken Gem Chest from 3% to 5%
Blessed Potion from 3% to 4%
Letter U from 2.5% to 4%
Letter V from 2.5% to 4%
Swamp Metal 6%
Chaos Fragment
Chaos Desert Dragon
Desert's Soul 15%
Forsaken Gem Voucher 40%
Unique Gem Voucher 30%
Forsaken Metal 30%
Chaos Swamp Dragon
Chest of Dark Swamp
Swamp Metal 30%
Rock Gem Chest from 4.5% to 10%
Desert Wolf
Increased HP from 900k to 2.3m
Increased defense from 270 to 350
Goddess's Favor
Chest of Skeletar
Forsaken Metal 30%
Forsaken Gem Voucher 10%
Great Bandit
Increased HP from 1.2m to 4.2m
Increased defense from 280 to 380
Increased PR from 55 to 58
Goddess's Favor
Lum Runestone
Cam Runestone
Forsaken Metal 40%
Forsaken Gem Voucher 15%
The Universe Purse from 5% to 35%
Death Knight
Increased HP from 2.3m to 5.2m
Increased defense from 300 to 400
Increased PR from 57 to 59
Lum Runestone
Cam Runestone
2000 Reputation Voucher
Forsaken Metal 40%
Forsaken Gem Voucher 35%
Letter G 10%
The Universe Purse from 18% to 45%
Master Swamp Bog
Increased HP from 2.3m to 3.2m
Increased defense from 205 to 300
Increased PR from 37 to 45
Lum Runestone
Tef Runestone
Swamp Metal 30%
Universe Purse 6%
Forsaken Gem Chest from 5% to 25%
Swamp Champion
Increased HP from 2.5m to 3.8m
Increased defense from 235 to 340
Increased PR from 41 to 50
Increased attack to 1200/1400
Fel Runestone
Tef Runestone
Swamp Metal 40%
Universe Purse 30%
Master Swamp Watcher
Increased HP from 2.5m to 4m
Increased defense from 180 to 340
Increased PR from 40 to 50
Increased attack to 1400/1600
Fel Runestone
Swamp Metal 50%
Universe Purse 42%
Forsaken Gem Chest from 7% to 40%
Huge Mud Monster
Increased HP from 3.4m to 4.8m
Increased defense from 330 to 370
Increased PR from 45 to 52
Increased attack to 2000/2200
Chest of Dark Swamp
Swamp Metal 50%
Forsaken Gem Chest from 10% to 40%
Universe Purse from 32% to 50%
Gem Jade Chest from 3.5% to 20%
Lv 55 Swamp Bracelets:
Players can upgrade their lv50 golden bracelets into the lv55 Swamp Bracelets by using:
Lv50 gold bracelet + Swamp Bracelet Stone (Item mall) + Forsaken Metal x20 + Swamp Metal x20 +100m
Swamp Bracelets Guide
Lv 55 Swamp Rings:
Players can upgrade any Lv55 Eclipse Ring by using x1 Swamp Ring Stone (available in the Item Mall) to create a Swamp Ring with the same stats as the original Eclipse Ring.
Lv 55 Swamp Necklaces:
Players can upgrade a Swamp Necklace or Swamp Necklace II by using x1 Swamp Lord Stone (available in the Item Mall) to create a Swamp Necklace of their choice.